Friday, March 18, 2016

Week 14

In which we tell more of our friends and then go tell our friends and family in Arizona IN PERSON!

So hubby was feeling better over the weekend and we managed to tell a few more close friends in person in Winnipeg. It's been a lot of fun to tell people and makes the whole thing seem far more real, and celebratory. 

Then we headed to Arizona and told a bunch of our close friends and family down there, which was extra awesome since we often only get to catch up with them via video chat. 

In addition, I feel amazing this week and had enough energy to go for a two day, twenty mile backpack in the Superstition Mountains with one of my favorite people in the world! It was a gorgeous trip and we had a wonderful time getting away from civilization and soaking up sun, warmth, and some quality time with mother nature.

While I was doing that, hubby was catching up with many of his musical compatriots in Phoenix and practicing up for the Highland Games, where he and a few friends played a bunch of Scottish tunes all weekend. 

I made it back to civilization in time for the games and managed to sneak a few pictures of the bagpipes and drums for your viewing pleasure.

Sadly, the week 14 picture never happened because we were busy busy traveling bees.

Forgive my goofy grin, but I just managed to backpack 14 weeks pregnant and am tired enough to fall asleep standing up.


And drums

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